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My Latest Project - 1950's Scooter

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 10:55 pm
by Racin'Jacin
Hey Guys it's been a while so I thought I'd post an update of my latest project - the Cushman Scooter.

Not quite finished yet, but I'm getting there. For those that remember I got this last year and was supposed to have it done over the winter, well I got busy helping a buddy with his race car so that never happened, but I'm FINALLY working on it!!

Plans are to use this at the track - hopefully to tow the digger around - if not it'll make an excellent Hot Dog chaser!!!

BTW - It was nice meeting some of the fellow TireSmoke members at Canfield today!!!

If you look close at the "before" pic you can see it was in pretty rough shape - with the worst of it being the "trim" job someone did on the wheel opening. I always wanted to learn how to Wire Edge something and here was my opportunity. My attempt was far from perfect, but more than acceptable for the scooter project - especially considering I only had 1/2 the tools you are supposed to have to do this. In any event I was happy with the results. The other major issue with the scooter was that about every square inch was covered in dents - some small some BIG. Since I was trying to avoid making this a multi year project I decided to hammer them out most of the way and then skim them with some mud - good enough!!! A quick trip over to the Cat Dealer for a fresh gallon of Cat Yellow and I was off! For those who have seen my digger trailer you know I am partial to Cat Yellow! (hey 34 bucks a gallon - who could resist!!)

The forks were pretty messed up, but after some tweaking, welding and hammering I think they'll be OK until I either find another set or just start over and make some. They look decent in paint at least so we'll see how they hold up.

I also added a couple shots of the front fender - I know you're thinking, "Yeah big deal" , but trust me it was pretty beat when I got it (I was too cheap to buy a decent one!!)

Well THAT'S MY STORY and I'm stickin' to it!!!!



In Process:





Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 9:07 am
by Basement Paul
Am I mistaken, or did you add some length to the front fender?

That will look way better than it should when it's finished. Do you have any idea of it's real age?



Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 9:34 am
by Racin'Jacin
BP, The pics make it look a tad better than it really is, but in the sunlight it does look pretty presentable.

The front fender on it was not only smashed but cut down as well - I considered lengthening it back to origional, but then I found one dirt cheap on Ebay - it wasn't THAT much better, but at least it wasn't cut - so I grabbed it. It was entirely coated in "surface" rust and dented up - most of the dents popped out after a quick ride on the english wheel and the rust pits were "erased" with K-mart's finest of Bondo's - ha ha ha

As for the age - from what I'm told they made these from the 1950's to the 1980's, but the only literature that I have shows them (this model) from the 50's. So at the moment it's really anybody's guess. As rough as this one is I am leaning toward the 50's - I can't imagine it would have taken any less time to beat the snot out of it to this extent than that!!!! Ha ha

I blasted the wheels last night so I should get paint on those today. I also mounted the forks ysterday - so hopefully I will start getting the accessories (horn and headlight bracket) painted and maybe even installed today.

Funny thing about these scooters - as far as Cushman scooters go - these are the Red Headed Step Child of the lot - the Cushman Group seems to look down their nose at these - which I gotta say is so funny to me. I guess you can't be elite without someone to look down on. OK so that wasn't so funny - here's a better one (forgive me if I told this before) When I first got the scooter I was driving it around the block to test it out when I heard the rumble of serious V-Twin power. AS I looked up I saw a fella riding one of those 50k custom Harley Choppers and he looked over at me. So naturally I gave him the "yeah I'm bad - head nod" although terribly difficult I kept a straight face and everything (thank god it was a three wheeler - so I didn't have to worry about keeping balance) anyways he blew past fast enough for me to miss his expression, but I would have PAID MONEY to hear his thoughts!!!! I bet it had something with "Look rainman has escaped" over there. Well I guess you had to be there!!!



Edit: BTW the lower truss rods were so bent up broke rewelded etc that they weren't worth saving - I was about to run up and get some steel rod when I saw those Hemi pushrods layign around - I know they're not the "right" steel, but I'm so cheap - I tried them!!! We'll see if they hold up.

Update: Ok the weather seems great - time to paint. Hopefully they'll tack up fast enough to flip them soon and get the other side shot as well.

Update: (waiting for paint to tack up between coats) anyways - here's a shot with the "bling" mounted on the front end. Granted it's not technically the correct horn (a swap meet find) but I think it looks great on there nonetheless.
Fender mounted - now it's really starting to shape up.....

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 8:39 pm
by Basement Paul
Do you have a footprint gas pedal by chance??

I think the guy on the Harley was just jealous as he spent $50k on a motorcycle, and doesn't know anything except that he thinks it makes him a bad*ss, and you were having more fun on your scooter, almost for free.

Love the progress!



Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 10:23 pm
by Racin'Jacin
BP, No footprint pedal - sorry.

Yeah I think you're right about the "50K biker" - ha ha ha

Well I didn't quite get the front end together - maybe tomorrow - still gotta make some bushings - ratza fratza. Oh well there's really no rush - I'm just getting antsy.

These things are a blast - probably ALOT less work getting a newer one, but this Red Headed Step Child seems to blend right in over here.

Next project (aside from maybe trying my hand at Upholstery 101) is devising a way to get this IN/OUT of the pickup. I already have a few ideas floating around in my head - I may have to scope out HGR and see what they can add in to the mix!!! That place is great!

So BP - How'd you end up making out at the swapmeet???? I didn't buy much but I was quite happy to land that "piping" for the Cushman seat.


Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 12:15 am
by MostMint
I can't help but think that the flame paint job on that car in the background should find it's way on to the scooter.

Glad to meet you at Canfield. 8)


Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 6:04 pm
by Racin'Jacin
MostMint, Yeah I'm totally undecided about doign any graphics or lettering on the scooter - decisions decisions!!

It was my pleasure to finally meet you guys at Canfield - I hope you did well there!!!!!


MostMint wrote:I can't help but think that the flame paint job on that car in the background should find it's way on to the scooter.

Glad to meet you at Canfield. 8)

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 9:38 pm
by Basement Paul
I didn't sell much down there, and I didn't buy anything at all. I was hoping to sell more and use the money to walk around and look for stuff. My plan didn't work out at all. I walked around some, but didn't really see anything that cought my eye. Either way, a bad day at the swap meet is better than a good day at work. :)


Possible swap meet ride

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 11:37 pm
by Fred32v
That scooter is goin' to be one sweet ride.
I think you could be riding that around the Canfield fairgounds at their fall swap meet.
Great to meet you too.

Re: Possible swap meet ride

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 1:47 pm
by Racin'Jacin
Fred32, The pleasure was entirely mine.

Here's my latest update on teh Scooter - it's a roller once again! Actually it's rideable less the seat switch which I need to make a spacer for.

Only things left is the seat upholstery and the rear tool box cover. Not I may try my hand at stitching the upholstery - we'll see.

The rear tool box cover is so bad it might make more sense to start over - undecided.

Anyways it's killing me to not ride this thing yet!!

Yesterday my coil springs came - we got side tracked and got home kinda late - around midnight I decided sleep was for chumps and went back out to the garage (thinking IF I was planning to get this front end assembled Friday) I had better get those springs painted the night before.

So at 1:00am I was in the driveway spraying them - good thing my Binks touchup gun doesn't make very much noise!!!

Fred32v wrote:That scooter is goin' to be one sweet ride.
I think you could be riding that around the Canfield fairgounds at their fall swap meet.
Great to meet you too.

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 2:02 pm
by wxo
Hey Fred! You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'? Hint: old guys walkin' their butts off at Carlisle tryin' to keep up with the boyz?
Maybe our good ol' buddy RJ would consider renting.

Dibbs on Scooter

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 11:47 pm
by Racin'Jacin
WXO, There's 2 problems with your plan (well actually 3)

1. You're gonna have to wrangle the scooter away from my daughter & her friend - don't underestimate them - they're wirey & sneaky.

2. It only goes 40 miles (according to the literature) No way that's enough for Carlisle.

3. IF you resolve problem #2 - then you've just turned ME onto yet another use for the Scooter - Carlisle here I come - ha ha ha

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 11:58 pm
by TheRookie
It wouldn't be tiresmoke without some post on how to go faster:

Sounds like an larger tank would be a good mod too so you could cruise all of Carlisle.

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 5:39 am
by Basement Paul
Only problem with your kit Rookie, is that I'm not sure the bigger carb would help feed the batteries any better than the charger will. :wink:


Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 7:58 am
by wxo
RJ, you misunderestimate old guys.

1) We've been dealin' with women for a long time. Flowers and candy go a long way in gettin' what you want. We're not fighters. We're lovers.
2) 40 miles! We ain't gonna drive it to Carlisle! That's what Fred's truck is for. We will need a hitch for our wagon though. Please put that on your list of things to do on the ol' scoot. And flames! We'll need flames!
3) Come on down. We'd love to have you at Carlisle with us. I think you'd be a hoot!