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Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 9:01 pm
by MostMint
er.. mines not forced induction but it still runs low 14's 8)

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 11:37 pm
by Fred32v
It is possible to have a car for a long time and get tired of it. I've had two notably long cars. I purchased my only new car, a 1978 Olds 88 and kept it as the family car for 18 years, and I had Basement's car for 15 years after my Dad had it for 15 years. Didn't do anything with it since my wife really didn't like it. My Dad and I were delighted that Paul wanted it.
Having said that, all my hot rods were daily drivers, winter and summer, to and from work. But after about five years I'd move on to something else.
My new ride doesn't deliver some of the satisfaction that those old hot rods did, but it doesn't give me any of the headaches either. I try to have cars that I enjoy driving. I even get excited getting into my truck. My wife's Buick, not so much, but I don't drive it without her.
I can understand selling the Nova given the circumstances. I'm not sure I'd replace it with another project type (store all winter) car. A new or late model Mustang GT or Challenger RT that you drove and enjoyed every day might be a better deal. Just my two cents worth. :wink:

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 7:19 am
by wxo
Wow. this is an interesting conversation. From a higher level, it sounds like a kind of right of passage. Interestingly, I find myself struggling with the same kinds of things. Life is intruding on my hot rodding hobby on all sides. I still enjoy tinkering and improving and driving fast. I still have my list of things to do on my truck. But when I allow myself to stand back and to objectively look at the situation, I can see that that the most important things have naturally bubbled to the top priority in my life. Faith, family and friends, then my hobby are the way I see it now. If I am brutally honest with myself, now pushing 65 with medicare papers already signed, I can see active, wrenching hot rodding fading into the distance and my faith taking the driver's seat in my life.

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 6:46 am
by markss327
It's been a while since I've updated this.

She's officially for sale. Was in the News Herald for two weekends, for $9500. Got three calls, and one looker. Took her to K-Mart last Saturday, and had a serious looker. Came back Sunday for a test drive, all went well, but no sale

But now, a new dilemma. The 406 has become sick. She's got a bearing knock when cold. Goes away after about 2 minutes. But if revved when cold, it's rather obvious. So, the tentative plan is to pull the pan, and remove the three center main caps, and see what they look like. I'm suspecting the center one myself. If that's the case, an 'in car' main bearing change is in order. I'm forced to tinker with something I really don't wana tinker with. I’m figuring on 5-7 hours, and about a $100. Bearings, pan gasket, oil and filter.

If all goes well, it'll be available for $7900.

PS- I probably should change my sig.

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 2:58 pm
by TireSmoker
That sucks -- I hear ya on the being forced to tinker with something you don't wanna tinker with -- no fun.


Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 1:28 pm
by markss327
Friday after work, I got the Nova in the air, dropped the center link, and pan. Pulled all the mains (well, not all at once...) and found them to be acceptable. I was really expecting some carnage. Nope. Then pulled rod caps off cyl #1 and #2 - front most journal. No carnage, but well beat up. A road trip to Summit first thing Saturday morning, and $78 bucks later, netted a set of rod bearings, pan gasket, and what the heck, another oil pump. Nappa wanted $48 just for the rod bearings. Tinkering with her wasn't so bad. At least I know want wrenches and sockets I need, prior to getting comfortable under neath.

One thing for sure, getting old sucks. After un-torquing the mains and a couple of rods, my upper arms and shoulders let me know I've used some muscles, I don't normally use.

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 1:40 pm
by TireSmoker
Did you get one of those 1-piece oil pan gaskets, or the traditional style?


Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 6:09 am
by markss327
Got the traditional style. Remember, budget minded tinkerer here.

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 6:18 am
by markss327
I've accepted an offer from a guy in St.Paul. Yea, Minnesota.
He found the car here - ... p?t=124005 We've been in contact via email every day, since Monday.

I should receive a deposit today.
Pick-up is tentatively scheduled for June 27th. He's got a Dodge\Cummins and an 18foot trailer.

BTW, it's still apart. :shock: LOL... New rod bearings are all in, and everything is torqued down. Just need to clean the pan rail, and install.

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 9:43 pm
by Basement Paul
Everybody is selling their hot rods... :(

I think I'll have to buy more to make up for it. :twisted:


Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 10:46 am
by markss327
Received the deposit today... :D

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 7:55 am
by markss327
The Nova is all back together and running just fine.
The transaction is tentatively scheduled for July 1st. Ed - the buyer, should be in Lake County, 4-5pm.

It's interesting... as I compile all my misc parts, (most hasn't been looked at since I moved in 2000) I can recall the story on how I acquired most of these...
Nothing like a trip down memory lane... :roll:

Fathers Day

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 8:42 am
by Fred32v
I'm going to missed the Nova at TRP. Wondering what the Impala turns.

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 8:55 am
by MostMint
Maybe a few pics or a video of all those parts. It'll give you a chance to go down memry lane again 10 years from now without actually having to keep all that stuff.

If you take video you can tell the story on each part.

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 9:04 am
by markss327
The Imp has the smaller motor - 3.4 vs the 3.8, and the worst gear available... 2.54 or something ridiculous like that. But, she'll return over 30mpg on the Interstate... which is the main reason I offed the Avalanche in the first place.

I'm predicting (It's just a matter of time 'till she runs TRP) low 18s ET, and mid 80s MPH, and still be in second gear.

Look for a new thread soon.