Pit Crew Challenge

This is the first forum. We'll figure out if we want more.

Moderators: MostMint, wxo, Fred32v, Basement Paul, ttamrettus

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Pit Crew Challenge

Post by wxo »

We took Randi's 84 year old mother to the Nascar Hall of Fame in Charlotte this weekend to celebrate her birthday. She is a rabid fan of Nascar. You may remember that we took her to Lowe's Motor Speedway to celebrate her 80th birthday. She got a ride in a racecar for 3 laps going 165 mph.

We had a great time visiting the Hall of Fame and the following video documents my pit crew's award winning performance (16.5 seconds).

The pit crew is as follows:

Joy (Randi's sister) - jackman (er..women)
WXO - tire changer
Randi (my wife) - gasman (er..women)

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