And THIS is why I am a CHEAP BASTAGE

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And THIS is why I am a CHEAP BASTAGE

Post by Racin'Jacin »

Ok so nearly a year ago I decide I need new glass for the old Ford truck. I wanting to support the Hot Rod community I ask around on one of the Hot Rod boards about who's the best glass cutter for the money. Overwhelmingly one guy is recommended and I SPLURGE and buy NEW GLASS - oh yeah baby - this is gonna ROCK!!!!
So I send off my money and patiently wait for my NEW GLASS to arrive.
and wait ....
and wait ....
(you see where this story is going right?)
so I contact the guy and as nice as can be remind him that I am waiting and am NOT in any hurry (mistake) so you guessed it...
I wait...
and wait...
and wait
So I contact him again and basically repeat my earlier conversation (mistake #2) so I...
and wait...
and wait...
we repeat this cycle several times - and me I'm really not upset nor am I frustrated - this guy came HIGHLY recommended and I was HAPPY to wait for a quality product.
Fast forward and FINALLY my glass comes!!!! Yeah!!!!
BUT!!!! (be honest you saw this coming - right?) yeah you guessed it - 1 piece was scratched.
So now I am expecting an ass ache, but to my surprise he says he will make good on it and I am satisfied. Now keep in mind at this moment I am not all that impressed with the glasswork - sloppy cuts - way too much sanding and deburring to pass as high end as I was expecting.
Anyways - yes - you guessed it again - I waited forever but was still being nice .....UNTIL my calls/emails went ignored. So then I became the asshole customer and basically mother f-d him on the web where he was so highly recommended. (Yes I am Mr. Niceguy so long as you are, but when you decide to treat me like and ass hole I will happily oblige and become that very person).
So I don't know how many months went by before I finally got the replacement glass but it was well into winter and too cold to replace the glass so what did I do??? yep I waited some more. I needed a good WARM day so I might pull the old glass without destroying the original rubber seal.
So THAT day came a week ago when it was blistering hot on Saturday - man was I ever excited!!!!!
So I carefully pull out the old glass - seals intact - man this is gonna be great!!!
I pull out the carefully stored away glass and carefully lean it against the back of our couch (where no one walks) so I could make sure I grab the right ones (I still had the scratched one) - yep all three in a row and the scratched one on the end.
I sit down on the couch to take a quick breather as I am sweatin' like a hog in august!
So as I sit there Jill walks past the couch and ever so slightly catches the end piece of glass with her pinky toe shoving it forward into the middle piece whacking a huge chip out of the corner. Yes out of a "good" one!
I am beyond speechless. I waited over 8 months to do this - the truck is in the driveway with NO GLASS in it as I slowly get more and more pissed. Jill feels terrible and I am just starting my irrational phase.
So while pissed I toss in the new scratched glass on the passenger side and do my not so best at biting my tongue.

Murphy strikes again!!! One of these days we're gonna meet and I'm gonna bust your sorry ass right in lip. Until then I will be drving around in my old Ford...with the scratched glass. Hey it's just a small scratch - right???


There - I bitched about it and now I feel better. Well a little better anyway!
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Basement Paul
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Re: And THIS is why I am a CHEAP BASTAGE

Post by Basement Paul »

Hard not to freak out there... I get it.

Can't wait to see it though, scratch and all.

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