I recommend Philips electronics (also Target vs Walmart)

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I recommend Philips electronics (also Target vs Walmart)

Post by ttamrettus »

I bought a portable DVD player from Target on my last trip to Ohio (early August I think it was). Well the other day my son (3yrs) broke it. It plays the dvd but there is no picture, it's simply lit up white. I never mailed my warranty card and I don't have the receipt. I emailed Philips anyway. After a 5 minute conversation Philips is FedEx'ing me a new one and return label for the old one. It was EZ. I don't know if Walmart or one of their brands would have done the same). They were about the same price but the Philips looked the best (ergonomics and quality) to me. It was a $90 player.

Alex actually snapped the cover off it about a month ago and lost the little spring so you have to turn it upside down to open the cover but it still played fine after that.

KUDOS to Philips Electronics.
Matt Sutter
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