2016 Regal Turbo

Update your progress on your various car projects.

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Re: 2016 Regal Turbo

Post by GMJohnny »

81,812 -- Over the last year I developed a pulsing in the brake pedal which progressively
got worse. I finally decided to pull the trigger on new rotors. Having inspected/changed the
brake shoes recently, I knew was certain they would still be in good shape, and I was correct. I
started with the fronts. When I removed the left front, I knew this was going to be a successful
repair, as it had three hot spots on it which caused the drag and a groan as the car was stopping.
The right front wasn't as bad. I proceeded to the rear to do the swap and I decided to put my digital
caliper to the rotors to see how much wear was on them. I was in shock as the gauge read .905
on the old ones and .501 on the new. The parts place sold me the wrong rotors. I did a quick
inspection on the old ones and decided to just clean them up and reinstall them ( original pads
& rotors still ) This proved to be a good call. My test drive had my stops super smooth. As part of
the job, I cleaned up all the stainless slides and made sure that all was lubed correctly and that
no parts were frozen up. I'm not certain why, but I feel that my yearly service shouldn't be a requirement,
but it is. Every time I do the brake clean up project ( annually, around 20K miles ) the shoes feel almost
frozen in the slides. This is the only car I've ever owned that I've had to do this to. The whole job took
just under three hours, so I guess that's not too bad.

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Re: 2016 Regal Turbo

Post by GMJohnny »

86,188 - ( Done on 10/25/20 ) -- Oil & filter change.
88,216 - ( Done on 11/29/20 ) -- Snow tire install.

Nothing major to report, just updating the thread. The snow tires were installed
just in time for a MAJOR snow storm that dropped 17" of snow at my house in one
day. Snow tires make this car way more stable on heavily snow covered roads. I was
feeling bad about spending the cash on wheels and tires initially, but they were worth
every penny. Also, programming the TPMS was the easiest it's ever been this time around.
The programming took 3 minutes max.

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Re: 2016 Regal Turbo

Post by MostMint »

if you have the space snow tires are the way to go here in NE Ohio. Drive on the freeway in a major storm you will be the highway star - passing everyone while still 10 under the speed limit!
[quote="Basement Paul"]Is that a mint rocketship on the hood?? :shock:
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Re: 2016 Regal Turbo

Post by GMJohnny »

MostMint wrote:if you have the space snow tires are the way to go here in NE Ohio. Drive on the freeway in a major storm you will be the highway star - passing everyone while still 10 under the speed limit!
Everytime I see a guy spun out in the median I think "I wonder if he had snow tires on?"

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Re: 2016 Regal Turbo

Post by GMJohnny »

On the way to work yesterday I had an unfortunate run-in with a deer. I was going about 50 or
less when she jumped out from a low area at full stride on to the road. I never had a chance
to try to hit the brakes. Fortunately, the deer didn’t come over the hood and into the windshield.
The passenger side of the grille took the most serious amount of damage, but the right front fender,
hood, and who knows what else under the hood will have to be replaced. The way the hood is buckled
it will need to be cut to get it to unlatch. I did drive it to work after the accident and it seemed to
drive ok and the hood didn’t blow open, so that was good. Driving it at 70 mph also blew out any
loose pieces of plastic that were behind the grille. When I went in to get a damage estimate, the
guy at the body shop was surprised I was still driving it and recommended a rental vehicle so I
wouldn’t create more damage driving it. I agreed and am now driving a Toyota Rav 4. Because this
all happened on a Friday, I’d guess that we won’t know more about how soon the work can be done
until next week sometime. On the way home from the body shop, I stopped by the accident site and
my front grille emblem was lying on the side of the road. Amazingly, nobody ran it over. It had some
deer fur on it still, so I gave it a quick bath and polish. The clips that hold it on to the car are all
snapped off rendering it unusable, but it’ll look cool on my the garage wall.

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Garage Bling!
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Re: 2016 Regal Turbo

Post by GMJohnny »

I got the big news today.. Totalled. Close the chapter on the 2016 Regal. I do have some
98% tread tires mounted on Regal wheels that I’ll be selling, because the car was wrecked
with the snow tires & wheels on it. Tomorrow I will go to the body shop and get my belongings
out of it and say my final farewells. It was a great car.

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Re: 2016 Regal Turbo

Post by MostMint »


Can you buy the car from the insurance company? I know a kid who needs some $ and could fix and resell that
[quote="Basement Paul"]Is that a mint rocketship on the hood?? :shock:
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Re: 2016 Regal Turbo

Post by GMJohnny »

After a quick talk with MostMint, I was thinking that he and Kurt would purchase the Regal
and try to fix it to make a few bucks on it. I had to go to it yesterday to get the balance of
my stuff out of the glovebox, trunk, etc.. I had a hard time finding it at first, because it
didn’t look anything like when I sent it in to the shop. The shop has already started dismantling
it to fix it. They obviously stopped when they realized it was going to be totalled. This renders
the car totally undriveable, and I did my best to dissuade MostMint from purchasing it. In my
opinion, they removed and threw out parts that could have been saved. I understand that they
have to fix it “right” when they do it for a customer, and I would want it that way for me to
drive it, but doing this made it less valuable to Kurt and his potential money making effort. I’m
waiting now to give the title to the insurance company and get my residual check.

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Re: 2016 Regal Turbo

Post by MostMint »

Yep they wrecked the potential to put it back together on the cheap and make it pay - IMO.

The lesson here is if you want it back undismantled you have to say it, or if possible don't leave it there
[quote="Basement Paul"]Is that a mint rocketship on the hood?? :shock:
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