Pittsbough Intl Race Course Sept. 13th, 2013 T-N-T

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Pittsbough Intl Race Course Sept. 13th, 2013 T-N-T

Post by Fred32v »

Pittsburgh Intl Race Course Sept 13 2013
MostMint following a car with an instructor showing the preferred line: http://youtu.be/15aRRX1eZkI
Here is 1 of MostMint’s fast laps: http://youtu.be/RjeAR_esk4M

Pitt Race Sept 13 2013 test notes

MostMint’s notes about the course
The inside curbs on the corners are not always right on the apex. You will see some brick pavers and some dirt which shows where the racers want to go for the preferred line.

I see braking required at turns 1, 4, 5, 10

Running the course

All discussion here is for “preferred” line. I have no idea about passing under racing conditions.

Front straight is wide open get to the right in prep for turn 1. I was reaching 6500 in 4th and braking at the 100 meter mark just before turn 1. I had trouble when starting turn too early (still braking).

Turn 2-4
I am still not sure the best place to downshift to 3rd – it will be either after turn 1 or before turn 4. In I scrubbed enough speed I feel you will want 3rd exiting 4.

Turn 4

Stay off the curb on the outside it has really deep rumble strips. Instructor said if you get onto it do not overcorrect and careen across the track just spend a little time on the grass.

Turn 5

The instructors recommend driving deep into the corner then turning right. This seemed to work well. If you enter in 3rd you will be near the top end of the RPM range before braking. You will definitely need 3rd to get up the hill after 5.

Turn 6
You will be on the gas up the hill through turn 6. No magic in turn 6 just create a smooth arc up the hill and use the inside curb through 6.

Turn 7
Definitely the hardest corner on the track because you can't see it. After completing six get over to the left and start turning right before you see the turn. The curb is set up past the apex so there are pavers before that and then some dirt before that. The car actually gets quite light at the crest of the hill so you will need to go light on the throttle as the crest. Adding to the complexity is that you are near the top of 3rd gear so you have to decide when to shift. I was experimenting with shifting before the crest but I think the easiest way is on the downhill. It makes for a busy time in the car.

Instructor said the outside of 7 is rough and expect to find marbles out there. If you are passing there just realize you can't do it at 100%

Turn 8
Easy turn. After seven drift right to set yourself up for the lefthander. I am going WOT through here putting the left tires on the pavers before the curb and also on the curb. I find I don't need the whole track to the right so I keep the car left to set up for 9. You will need to shift before 9.

Turn 9
Instructors advise lots of problems happen in turn 9. Much like the kink at NL you carry a lot of speed through there and it can be taken WOT. There are pavers there to the right of the track and I use them. For me the trick is getting the car straight after the turn is done for braking. There is enough room there but you are moving fast (I saw 110 on the speedo 5 mph faster than tops at NL) so not a lot of time for mistakes.

Turn 10
Start braking for turn 10 at 75 meters and then downshifting (I assume it was 75 the 50 marker did not have numbers). You should be all the way to the left here. The turn is going to be late – why you can start braking later from the higher speed. There is a lot of pavement in the corner and a ton of run off room there so missing by a little just means you are going to wash out and start the turn later.

If you do it right you can apex the turn on the inside edge of the track and keep the speed above 45 mph. Maybe you guys can do better, but this is definitely a 3rd gear turn as again you will want the horsepower to get up the hill on exit.

Instructor suggests diagonal straight line approach exiting 9 into 10. This way car will be pointed straight for braking.

There is a curb outside on the exit of 10 based on instructor comments that curb is useless and my experience tells me we will not get out there.

Turn 11 is barely noticeable climbing hill here so not a grip limited turn

Turn 12 is at the crest of the hill and the key here is to be on the inside curb. And you will drift out to the right side of the track on exit in preparation for turn 1.


On the way in to turn 1 and 10 I was braking later than everyone in my session. (I should have watched the other sessions!) I suspect there will be chances to pass there.

I can also see passing slower cars between 4 and 5

Upon exit of 7 there is a long section of the track that is quite wide and this will be the best place to do some passing or let someone by.

Exit turn 10 again give a wide patch of track where we can do passes. No doubt the hill climbing will make the passes feel like slow motion but if you are catching them on the hill the front straight will provide some chance to finish the pass.

Turn 1 does not feel like a 2 wide turn so if I were passing there I would want to be on the inside.
Turn 5 does not fell like a 2 wide turn either the speeds are low there so less risk but watch for the outside guy coming in on you – if he does not see you coming.

Is the car faster?

This is not definite but I can compare some things to get a read on this. At NL this past race I ran a best lap of 1:26.8. At Pitt Race I ran 1:14.5 best lap (just 75 minutes total track time). The difference there is 12.3 second
Biohazard MR2 ran 1:19.7 at NL2013 and 1:09.4 at Pitt2012 difference of 10.3
Lucky Monkey Acura ran 1:25.3 at NL2013 and 1:16 at Pitt2012 difference of 9.3
Tigers Wood ran 1:19 at NL2012 and 1:10 at Pitt2012 difference of 9.0
Mostmint me driving ran 1:26.8 at NL2013 an 1:14.5 at Pitt test session difference of 12.3

Seems we are about 2+ seconds faster per lap. There are a million variables in weather, track conditions, driver skill, HP vs handing etc that make this assessment very non scientific but it looks like we are faster.
GMC Canyon Crew Cab Short Box 4x4 V6!
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